no stars

Performance by Fonema Consort Nina Dante (soprano) Dalia Chin (flute) Daniel Walden (piano) Ryan Packard (vibraphone) David Cubek (conductor) "no stars" from the chamber opera, "The Golden Ass," is a dream-like, emotional response to feelings of fear, confusion, sorrow, and an attempt to cope with these feelings through disassociation.

13:00- aria for soprano (Psyche), C and alto flutes, vibraphone, and piano

aria premiere by Fonema Consort at Ted Mann Concert Hall (02/2017)
Nina Dante (soprano), Dalia Chin (flutes), Daniel Walden (piano), and Ryan Packard (vibraphone),
and David Cubek (conductor)

John Duffy Institute for New Opera workshop performance at the Virginia Arts Festival (03/2017)
Nina Dante (soprano), Wayla Chambo (alto and C flutes), Reid Stockdill (vibraphone), Amanda Halstead (piano),
and Alan Johnson (conductor)

Nautilus Music-Theater production (02/2020)
Carrie Henneman Shaw, Dalia Chin, Daniel Walden, and Jeremy Johnston


Tiffany Skidmoreopera, chamber